
- a log of  sightings, thoughts and images which occur or exist simultaneously or side by side that act in conjunction, cooperate, accord or agree.

inland forest moss. nov 2022

right. note 44. have requested the full text of the research from the authors. have yet to read it.  was dismayed to read in a text that cited this research that the findings suggest that abstract art is not conducive to feeling less pain and not preferred by patients. I am looking forward to reading more as I wonder what abstract art was used in the study as this will have been a factor in the outcome.

April 28 released.

March 9th new moon

Gleann na Muaidhe - potash

when the sky collaborates - I look left, look right, concurrent events. Feb 4 ‘22

In no particular order my shelf of always books, the ones I often refer to (mentally) and need to have on the shelf in the studio. Today for different reasons I took down A Vision (for the first time in over 4 years) and Seeing is Forgetting (for the first time in about a year). A notable absence on the shelf is Experiments and Considerations Touching Colours, but that’s because that is on the desk and hasn’t yet been put away. Jan 28 ‘22.

sea monster. Jan 21 '22
sea monster sees me.. Jan 21 '22

unfinished work 2022

Jan 13 ‘22.

- ’The three were honored for research on unintended experiments...’ Nobel Prize winners in 2021.

- WIKI: A natural experiment is an empirical study in which individuals (or clusters of individuals) are exposed to the experimental and control conditions that are determined by nature or by other factors outside the control of the investigators.

-...even when we find not what we seek, we find something as well worth seeking as what we missed.
Robert Boyle, Of Unsucceeding Experiments, 1661

While I was living in NYC I regularly took photos of corners and curbs, siding, construction orange, gaps of sky between buildings etc. With my first website, occasionally, when the mood struck me I might select a photo I preferred and put it up on a page with others. I found that the act of making them public would help me choose the best, crop it or take it back down if it wasn’t just right.
Over time, with the repitition of form, colour, composition I saw the correlation between what I was photographing and what I was painting -- an unintentional tuning in to and recording of surroundings, environment, atmosphere showed me that there was attention being paid, decisions being made, somewhere other than the upermost, conscious mind. Very useful.
On the next website I had a LIST(S) page. The one photo was paired with a text of some kind; it was never a daily practice; this too was useful.

I stopped doing all this when facebook happened. (impoverished). I stopped facebook when Instagram happened. (obsessive)

Now I want to see what life is like without social media in it. So I’m going back to the original thought. This is a collection point for images and/or text which co-occur with the other parts of my practice.

Jan  5'22

January 5th 2022